This work is inspired in the city I love and where I have spent the last 10 years. The city where I became a photographer
From my point of view I try to portray Barcelona and its special magic energy.
A reminiscence of feelings and experiences..
Localizar la esencia inmensa
Entre la distancia que aplaca, que emerge ese silencio entre tú tacto y nuestro encuentro
Sintonizando el momento que se alarga, que desprende tu mente
Que me tiente
Que me enfrente con tu sombra
Que desvele tu secreto
Que está suma, nos haga uno en el silencio.
Esta guerra que sumerge
Que fragilmente nos emerge
Liberarnos, atarnos agarrarnos
Tan confusos son los lazos que por momentos caigo en pedazos.
Me levanta tu mirada
Me despierta, me encandila, me arma, me lleva, me eleva... me enreda
Me cura y me da vida.
Enteramente y en efecto comprendo tu movimiento
Aprendo de tu silencio
Reconozco toco y miro... rozar tu tacto y el mÃo.
Enmudezco y sonrió, me miro
Entiendo tus dedos, todo es prueba y amor, no hay margen ni error.
De tacto en tacto renaciendo, amando vibrando
Descubriendo lo que te forma
Lo que te envuelve cuando amaneces
Tú luz, tu energÃa... la mÃa
Tus debilidades y todas tus fortalezas
Tus manos tocando las mÃas
Mis manos descubriendo tu vida.
Ven, ven intenta en el tiempo profundo. Toca las semillas de lo oculto.. Penetra en el alma con los lazos, que con el encanto, mi memoria va despertando a tu tacto.
Entrelazadas las almas que con el corazon se buscan, buscando refugio constante, implacable, no se reconocen si no se tocan. Se mezclan, se encuentran, entrelazan sus armas, sus manos... sensibles que todo lo logran.
Se esconde detras de sus ojos..aparentes..silenciosos, tocando las puertas como si el silencio lo dijera todo. Con su mirada fija y el tacto entre sus manos. Derribando muros, levantando cielos.. Conectando el alma. Entregando todo, entregarlo todo.
When an event is over we are left with only the memories and the photographs. Blending in whilst getting that perfect shot takes practise, stealth and intuition. It’s about catching real moments as they happen.
Over the last years I have worked for many great clients in many different settings and locations. In this gallery some of these soulful moments.
Cocktail bartender Ryan Chetiyawardana goes by Mr Lyan gives a workshop for Belvedere at Blue Wave In Barcelona.
Coctail by cocktail bartender Ryan Chetiyawardana or Mr Lyan in Edition Hotel in Barcelona.
Cocktail bartender Ryan Chetiyawardana goes by Mr Lyan. Here during a workshop for Belvedere In Only You Hotel in Madrid.
A shot from stage during a Sidonie concert in Barcelona Apollo.
Dinner under the stars in Tenerife.
Cocktail bartender Ryan Chetiyawardana goes by Mr Lyan working in Edition Hotel in Barcelona.
Cocktail bartender Ryan Chetiyawardana goes by Mr Lyan. Product shoot with a cocktail in Salmon Guru Bar in Madrid.
A drone shot from the Veuve Clicquot Maison in Reims, Paris.
Lunch in the jungle in Tenerife.
Egami Productions is currently creating all the digital content for the Swedish audio books company, Storytel. Discover our latest creations of videos and photographs for that new promising company.
Being part of the most special day in your life is an honour. Wedding photographs are a visual narrative of one of the most important days in your life. I love being able to provide a photography experience that’s unobtrusive, discreet and, reassuring.
Creating forever memories..
Making high-quality interior/real estate photographs is always a real challenge. The end goal is always to produce eye-catching interior photographs. Clients love to have nice images of their restaurant, hotel or event before the party starts. One of the secrets is to put extra time and energy into each part of the process, the shooting and post-production.
In this Gallery you can see a selection of my interior/real estate photography.